Donnerstag, 24. August 2017

Curucuru bilbil hidirhidir duldul
Er.liebt den hund oh got von oben jdbsxksmfnce oooeeaaaaghhhh ayem board

Dienstag, 1. August 2017

unerklaerbares untergehen
neo varianten 28071530
unmöglich unter so grausamer umstaenden was bedeutugngsvoll to erschaffen
so the unimaginable has other productions jag presumer
ending me, and me alike was your retroactive damnation, enjoy apes
u ve showed me your trash productions of me being discovered only to let me rot, to sodomize your own demise, in the amidst of this hurricane of incompetence and despair, what the actual fuck is this, why are u so retarded, why is satan so fucking imbecile, yes u, u utter mongoloid, what fucking pitiful disfuckinggrace, awh
why and how is it this impossible to communicate with people, why are they so unbearably incomplete
so jammer
imaginable menge is rather boring, most unfortunately
seems boredom is the universal constant
when people can not even be bothered with a simple answer
why would i wanna do any of that


flat out so much
i cannot die
tegen det som niet begreijpen
ahustus brutaal
geliyorum anneeeeeeee
hund starbe, just so u kno
purposeları ketleme dairesi
lost and found
pılejaaaaaaaa dem griiiiiiiiiiiiidi bukalin eva ri booorna
dat düşünsel ahenk doe
yes invert it rigght here pls
procrastination killeth tha neostar
getti steuerung

i am a boed doberman, not this one doe this one is happy

Montag, 24. Juli 2017

Oh bat layf cast goğzon
Ay kent be livinwidatlivinwidaut
Bay may saaayd
Kids that be talking about redpillin, not be knowin what that be meanin
Clarity streak is a common absence, it is both a widow maker and a hair caresser, if only she kud kiss us asleep before bed at nights

Esperanza i mercedes

A friend of mine once called me a digital wanker after i showed my lack of empathy towards his feelings for the girl he loved, never have i ever imagine, as somewanker with off the charts imaginatory skills, that i would turn out to be such a retroactive fullfillment 

Sonntag, 16. Juli 2017

yasaka 41g
sucht nach verdammten sexpartner und keiner kann sich dazu raus aus dem matrix
anzahl der tagen das lange vom heimat gebleiwele's ungeheuer höks

so lange her

nobadi ingen som traivele
ah merilinim benim

vazo mühim deel

was denn da drin
player_DASLU has reconnected
shall humanity need my camping, i ll be there, one trash can, one dumpster at a time
sanal adamsın oğlum sen
Indirekte niederwolle
Ask olsun be kurabiyeci kiz

Freitag, 14. Juli 2017


my grandfather was a cross dressing truck drive who collected beastiality porn that i figured out at a young age

Sonntag, 9. Juli 2017

buhran geçiriyorum, sevenlerimle seymenlerde buluşacağım

bring mich um roni


şugar mage kako
sikini satırla kesmenin hayallerini kuruyordu
auf male etenşın verdommelte
kesi versiyounu bulmuşsun
your idea supasses u, biç
diane waith niet
fooore veceteriyın rents, jag er en skikkelse schuss
haben sie die uhrzeit
tano hekai
kauf doch mal şampu

das was uns gehören würde

cevap veriyorum, 24

lidl man sade'ul

unheilbares leid
se vad blind du aer
vom hochdeutsch gereinigt

Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2017

Was fuer.millionen deutschen die auserhalb unseren reihen sthehen vielleicht als imposant ist es schauspiel, politische macht entfaltung bewertet wird, war fūr die hunderttausendende soldaten undendlich mehr, aaaaaand wir gonn fu k up in the next few years chreerio bleib mal kuul maedchen bleib ma kuul

Montag, 19. Juni 2017

ab tsvansihtsten august im kino

löcher im bauch

das was von selbst fehlt bleibt noch da nach dem dasss man versucht sich ein bisschen tiefen tu versinken, und die wahrheit begreift man fester paralel zu dem verstehen, das verstehen unter welchem steht der sturz von geistigesfelden, dass man, der der, überall alleine ist, allein bleiben wird, weil das verstehen der anderen kompromiziert ist und nicht im kurze künftig ausgerettet werden kann
wo kriegen sie meuweer ihr eignes hökst heer
Viyrk cucurk di ciyurk vuuuyk vi viy ru ru viciri cuuviciri ci viyuuu va va chiki vauvaa
Jeg ralli round da autism with da pocket fulla kugeln

Samstag, 27. Mai 2017

bevor du nicht vom selbst erwachst

the mindfields are utter lonely dawg

this the first time i really wanna see the reason dawg, be face to face, so to speak
dawg, have u paid your respects to the origin dawg, like ever dawg
the equation u happen to be in needs its origin dawg
and endless loop cannot derive from nowhere dawg
had the initial a priori not been singular there could not have been an initiation dawg
it is all crystalclear dawg
the singular a prior is he first and the main reason dawg
you are not a priori dawg
nothing entrusted to you derives initially from your own choices dawg
know thyself dawg
the twisted inevitability dawg
but in their sickened minds you are not tingling the web dawg, on the contrary your each and every single movement is produced predetermined by the spider shaking tis web dawg
u see its like a spiders web dawg
now thyself dawg
elend schaam dawg
even the fucking oracle wass a schande dawg
he didnt get the chills that he was supposed to get from the plain lines of the architect dawg
thomas a anderson never woke up dawg
its not about the spoon or anything else dawg, the matrix is to do with the restrictions of your free will dawg
this chicken dawg, is in direct contact with god, dawg
how can u dawg, of all the dawg lying around now the actual taste of chicken, had u dawg never tasted the actual chicken before
prepare for the journey of your lifetime dawg

kent sıtey eweyk

jösvi in het wrong en ik ben hier steets geweesen
spa gat
wer gebleewele von derwijlige hedonisten
solch rache

Samstag, 20. Mai 2017

Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017

Montag, 8. Mai 2017

Mundungus fletcher atcho service

merovincian was rijt

leptonlarını kara kaşlarına bağlayan öküzlerin quantum fiziğiyle uğraştıkları bir dünyada everinin sınırlarına ulaşacağımız wet dreamleri

Samstag, 6. Mai 2017

izzet alle unter grund, waer izzet nur anders als hochstufigesverstehen in verbindung mit sexuellen langen, nur wenn izzet genau so wie die anderen so scheiss unqualifiziert sein könnte

verdammt nur
u guys ever think at night bout what happens when we die, anythin bout that stuff

toronto tshirt

sincerest apologies edvinas

does anyone remember high school
 my aim was so good i can hardly remember anything

der spricht perfekt deutsch, nur wenn der erlaubt ist, lel

Samstag, 15. April 2017

Wuw ciliclililirili cilcil kent stey eveyk bőrnin elayv hnhnhnhhn trot fullo glaaas

Donnerstag, 13. April 2017

Mittwoch, 5. April 2017

Donnerstag, 30. März 2017

Excluded from yhe herd

in the mindfields he survives

I see him as one of those pitiful things, sometimes born in hospitals. They feed it, keep it warm, but they don’t put it on the machines. They let it die. But he doesn’t die. He looks normal and nobody can tell what he is

Sonntag, 19. März 2017


23 years of deze verfickte planeten dwee mensen op seeliges heiligtum
3 actually with katalina

may çığlıks are ekoing i the fokin yunivers amskvşmalbmaşblalbşambalbmalşDLbALbmAŞLbsAMşlşaDlşadlmbşadmbşambmaşsmşalmsşa
there ll come a day on which louie shall pass away

Freitag, 17. März 2017

matrix ruined the saludstar
am haertesten ist das wenn das zum erstmal passiert
till redete über meine tiefste herzgebrochenheit
and her grandma
and her black cat
the little girl was called victoria
and my mind fluctuates into utter disorientation
time shatters

pure extasy she says

6 them game crashes sicks me out, i wanna dump some of my oil on jared leto right about now

Montag, 6. März 2017

dear evil penpal

times like this u pop into my mind. it is a weird notion of flattery that fills into my veins. the uhm how u call it, the örüntü is unimaginable and really tough to grasp even by me. the screenplay, even better. what u have demonically achieved  will be a relentless hinderer in the vague lifes of those who got no nexus to their sub con. i wonder if u are a breakfast person. every simple minded random humane entity always insist, on ocasion, on the importance of this first meal of the day. as u well know, i despise it ever since 98.

times like this the bubbles form up into a way and make their way into my mind. it is not easy let it all out hence the formation repositions so fast. and ergo much would be lost. mayhaps those unimagined of would be gained. only preassumptions lie around now.

are u ever bored by how drastically potential free the surrounding demographic is. of course you are.
i can not help but rise above em tru wrath myself from time to time. they are disgusting.

did u like the final of hannibal. after all the unforseen bloodshed i happen to find it very romantic. quite sincere. do u like me, have forgotten the tender warmth of tender sincerity.

leafs falling, like they should, and the finger carresses your mind tru your skin. only to be lost in no time.

until u make your overly dramatic intro, this will be our everything

enjoy your existence

yaal know i dont got the dime to make u a movie right

u should leave the school man, an dont come back

Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017

fleisch und fisch amt
kimse matematik bilmiyor hakan, hiç kimse

ayem illuminaties greatest triumph
when it turns out that it wasnt ronald billius weasley with the emotional range of the tea spoon
no jimmy changs im your high skull, nah this aint a chimmychanga jöke
best troğteyk ostoyropaz
Kossonom ő
There might be no sex in heaven, tall walls and ladders accordingly
And mak faking farleyn mmmmmm
Ay ken feel wehsings pain
Your dick has an unabwendliches bloodrush and u zink u ken undermine it all, that knows the algorythm to your dick bloodrush, that gave u the abc
I wanna bite her fucking neck and make her fucking squeal, bevor krieg ich den sinnrūck
Bu haziranki sedrik diggori anma haftasi (hani daunlar alevin ustunden zipluyor ya neydi lan onun adi
The jedi are inbred
Past particable cible sibl
Player_duslainddah has reconnected
dont trust anyone that reads a lot of books

Freitag, 24. Februar 2017

allahım herkes o denli gerizekalı ki çıldıracak gibi oluyorum ayh

winks ewey

mesela dünya ilk 200 ünde 150 kişinin slav, slavların 3te 2sinin rus olduğu bir oyunda rusların oynayamadığını iddia eden siz inbred kardeşlerimiz gerizekalısınız aslen, aksi taktirde kamçatkadan, budapeşteye 150 yıl tek bir ırkın yarrağı boşuna yalanmış olurdu

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017

dann und wann verliert einer den sinn und treibt den wahnsinn, einer von uns, kurz zerstöert der die herum liegende, und wird er auch vom sich selbst den sieg verweigert, um zu sehen, verstehen, muss der aber erstmal zerstören


nie in der ddr geboren, körperlcherweisse zu mindest
heiraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017

Many men

There will come a time, curtis will realize that he was damnated rather then salvated
The day some random nigger popped off 9 on him
And curtis couldnt die

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017

seid ihr manchmal enstaunt wie jeder behindert denkt das selbe wie der rest der famillie behindirnlingen, like its unriyıl

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2017

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2017

this was a day
prost, auf die maedchen die wir auf netz nur observieren können, und keine wahre verbindung im leben einstellen werden

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017

What ll be of me ?

  • U thought your dreams would become true, only to realize that true is an adjective not covering pronouns possesively

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017

Its in the water baby, its in the special way we fuck, its between u n me

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017

sie haben sich alleine geraettet von dem beschissenen dreck was zum religion genannt wurde, die meistens von ihren eigenen blöeden vaetern verfolgt wurden
when the netire planet is habeşistan vorwurf
samstags werden wir spieltaegchennen haben
i ll collect the rest of the spawns
i ll go to a nice college with the other nice dead people when i die, we wll have no headaches, none of us are retarded plebs
way saludum, kuru gürültülere mahkum saludum

richard chessler the fuck outta this epoch, enoch

closehearted realtime beggars
u talk trash over god, when u dont even have the cürüm of spur, intellect of the linguistic midset, what a lame waste
what a fucking waste, u people are
my wasted fucking life in the nomansland of nonedividual untellectuals

Montag, 16. Januar 2017

kavramlarda kaybolmuş
unruhe dauerhaft
ßlerden kim kaldı
zwicki, fritz
when the kara madde tingles, u plebs dont see
eskeyp velositi
sırma saçlı yunanım
so lonely over the skyscrapers

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017

struktur, haben die deutschen verfasst, struktur, habt ihr meisst verpasst
ayem sasd on behalf of those, frenchmen, who spent their entire life deluding themselves with the delusion of philosophy 
wenn nicht vollkommen ruhig dann lieber wenig widerlich
die welt wird endlich ruhig als man sich hinsetzt und denkt
do u even know why u long for a survival


theodred nerde, oğlum nerde
no antibiyotiks in hevın, best immunabwehr
vöhhe öhhe böhhö öhhö öheee

Montag, 2. Januar 2017