Samstag, 27. Mai 2017

bevor du nicht vom selbst erwachst

the mindfields are utter lonely dawg

this the first time i really wanna see the reason dawg, be face to face, so to speak
dawg, have u paid your respects to the origin dawg, like ever dawg
the equation u happen to be in needs its origin dawg
and endless loop cannot derive from nowhere dawg
had the initial a priori not been singular there could not have been an initiation dawg
it is all crystalclear dawg
the singular a prior is he first and the main reason dawg
you are not a priori dawg
nothing entrusted to you derives initially from your own choices dawg
know thyself dawg
the twisted inevitability dawg
but in their sickened minds you are not tingling the web dawg, on the contrary your each and every single movement is produced predetermined by the spider shaking tis web dawg
u see its like a spiders web dawg
now thyself dawg
elend schaam dawg
even the fucking oracle wass a schande dawg
he didnt get the chills that he was supposed to get from the plain lines of the architect dawg
thomas a anderson never woke up dawg
its not about the spoon or anything else dawg, the matrix is to do with the restrictions of your free will dawg
this chicken dawg, is in direct contact with god, dawg
how can u dawg, of all the dawg lying around now the actual taste of chicken, had u dawg never tasted the actual chicken before
prepare for the journey of your lifetime dawg

kent sıtey eweyk

jösvi in het wrong en ik ben hier steets geweesen
spa gat
wer gebleewele von derwijlige hedonisten
solch rache

Samstag, 20. Mai 2017

Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017

Montag, 8. Mai 2017

Mundungus fletcher atcho service

merovincian was rijt

leptonlarını kara kaşlarına bağlayan öküzlerin quantum fiziğiyle uğraştıkları bir dünyada everinin sınırlarına ulaşacağımız wet dreamleri

Samstag, 6. Mai 2017

izzet alle unter grund, waer izzet nur anders als hochstufigesverstehen in verbindung mit sexuellen langen, nur wenn izzet genau so wie die anderen so scheiss unqualifiziert sein könnte

verdammt nur
u guys ever think at night bout what happens when we die, anythin bout that stuff

toronto tshirt

sincerest apologies edvinas

does anyone remember high school
 my aim was so good i can hardly remember anything

der spricht perfekt deutsch, nur wenn der erlaubt ist, lel