Curucuru bilbil hidirhidir duldul
Er.liebt den hund oh got von oben jdbsxksmfnce oooeeaaaaghhhh ayem board
Mittwoch, 23. August 2017
Agla da guzelligini gorelim
Was staending von mir verfasst wird
Falle eines notfalls verwendele den notausgang
Dienstag, 15. August 2017
Mittwoch, 2. August 2017
tıhıroğt fullof gılaess
Dienstag, 1. August 2017
unerklaerbares untergehen
neo varianten 28071530
unmöglich unter so grausamer umstaenden was bedeutugngsvoll to erschaffen
so the unimaginable has other productions jag presumer
ending me, and me alike was your retroactive damnation, enjoy apes
u ve showed me your trash productions of me being discovered only to let me rot, to sodomize your own demise, in the amidst of this hurricane of incompetence and despair, what the actual fuck is this, why are u so retarded, why is satan so fucking imbecile, yes u, u utter mongoloid, what fucking pitiful disfuckinggrace, awh
why and how is it this impossible to communicate with people, why are they so unbearably incomplete
so jammer
imaginable menge is rather boring, most unfortunately
seems boredom is the universal constant
when people can not even be bothered with a simple answer