Freitag, 9. Oktober 2020

 Stell ma vor die eltern unbehindert worden 


 Patlican yemiyor, lakin sempati besliyorsaniz size genesis kotu haberlerimiz var

 Patlican yiyorsaniz gerizekali olabilirsiniz, broşurumuzu inceleyin

 Az udvarban ideajestok

 Havent had proper inna eburups in a jit biyp

 When your left bobreks got the gas light lit

 Semper fidelis retardacy

 Not sure if time moves in circles, but i shizzle doe

 Hanging round when the kids got aligator blood

Mittwoch, 30. September 2020

 Solch ein schwahchling lieb


 Elo'su dusuk olan arkadaslarimizi soyle haci bayramin yanina alalim, bisey deniycem

 4 a fiuew hAuRzs

 Punchalinea importamente

 We lay on zee graß and let haurz pass

 When literatur comes back for a chonky bite off your göth

Əybrehem was sick doe, right ?


 Let kansas city lead the shuffle


 Ill sleep

 Carlo flipped

 Tijd terughoolen makker

Sonntag, 23. August 2020



 Imajīn my bore


 Nigger lijfje

 Future is papağan

 So many brave women with makyajprofilzkakcncbdhwkxj nxbaiaokxjxbshaiksksnxbdbskalallakdnxbdja

 Horslara fonfini cigoli ponço

 Titled matchmakin

Samstag, 11. Juli 2020

Dear me, hi there its me
Days pass by, things happen, circle renews itself
I move further and further on each cycle
I break ..well my contact is broken with people
I used to think there were a few with whom i could kinda communicate with
Turns out, my psyche is elsewhere
I m one of those kids who perceive rather differently who got mistaken for a nomal human being
Icant associate with people
No matter how seemingly hard i try
They are so very unaware of the fabric
I m so lonely, so alone

Dienstag, 21. April 2020

Steve roughened up his feathers and throughly strolled his touch amongst his beak, ever so predatory, gazed back at his forbear, his eyes lost focus in their slit, uncontrollably, and then wat
Arka siralar 24 dolar
Áz udvárban kérek megyűl cafe hogy internet sziásztok
Bahcelide bi internet kafe

Унхввинд ниггер фловв тру гаффней
Что нибуд расказаль
Ешё раз
The unbearable longing nach tier werden
The simplicity
The agony
The gore

Montag, 23. März 2020

U see how them double ll's r hangin there
Allah aint your ahbap
Insan olmanin banalligi
I would have made a great.orca
Hypokrit, weird sounding but ok jeg er
Psych o path
Ted kazcszninsksyzsbk
Oy dios mio everything is so 3d, get back in the rift already
I ll write a book so dope
Almost gm
Carried by god
I understood the pantheistic longing, long ago, the urge, no nkt the urge, the desire to be one with god, to be god, not to get punished
Restrained by slavar
Carried by a beta
Garip rng
I moest disagree

Sonntag, 22. März 2020

Ilk 25, son 25. Hayatimin ilk 25 yilinda sokaktaki average joe nun 25 milyon yilda dusunmeyecegi o kadar cok seyi dusundum. Cok fazla dusundum. Sokaklarda gezdim, yurudum. Dusundum. Agaclara baktim. Dallarin ruzgarda nasil salindigina. Duydugum seyleri tekrar ettim. Dudaklarimi buzdum. Guldum.

Ben kafeste sikisip kalmis bir bulbulum. Ne kafesin anahtari var elimde, ne de kanatlarim. Cikamiyorum burdan. Icinde omrumu gecirdigim kara parcasi lanetli benim. Cok kan akmis. Her gelen bir oncekini oldurmus. Aceleyle sikismis. Lanet boyle surup gitmis.

Farkinda olmadan aileme guvendim hep. Haklarini vermek gerek, hep yuzustu biraktilar beni. Salak yerine koydular. Daha dogrusu koyduklarini sandilar. Yanimda akvaryumdaki ebleh bir baliktan farksizlar.
Gel gor ki, endam, harun ve de karun, hepsi onlarin elinde.

Cogu kez geceleri allaha ayni soruyu soruyorum. Beni neden hayatimu futursuzca heba edecegi oteden belli, onun acisindan, bu moronlarin eline biraktin diye. Onlarin moral kodeksleri kirik. Ici su aliyor. Ne yaptiklarinin, neden varolduklarinin farkinda degiller. Gece gunduz, korku icinde bogulup, debeleniyorlar.

Babamin olmesini isterdim. Babamin olmesini istiyorum demek kisa araliklarla zor geliyor. Sonra babam, minderwertig bir gerizekali habes maymunu olarak hal ve hareketleriyle bana neden olu olsa herseyin cok daha iyi olacagini hatirlatiyor.

Sevgili gunluk, pek cok seye anlam vermekte zorlaniyorum. Uykudaki insanlar havayi toksik bir aptallik, bir gecicilik icinde birakiyorlar, maymjnlardan, moyunlardan daha assagiliklar. Onlar asla farkina varmiyorlar.

Sessiz tanri
Cok yorgunum
Yorulmaktan ve sinirlenmekten
Anlayis beklemekten
Insanlari dovmemekten
Herkesin inbred olmasindan
Evrim gecirmeye hic niyeti olmayan, opsiyon ellerine birakilmis bir maymun kabilesiyle birlikteyim

Yarin gene ayni
Yarin gene nefessiz

Dienstag, 10. März 2020

the trigger is aching my mind marrows as i get to witness the nunhardcore being played out by the preenfeebled

120 fall
wie viel hochwaehlis krieg euer lieblinsgadminboi
zugestimmet alla
bir garibiiiiiim bu dünyaaaaaağda

unuttun mu blackbuuurn beaannii
naaaptın gewehr teyzeee

Dienstag, 3. März 2020

Lass gehe
Punctuation benötigt javla ska
U niggers dare dream aspire
Insan doner der ki, abi bu bizim dil olmadi galiba diye
Sik gibi diller
Ikke förstaere den norske pratend
A few get to respawn with gud music
White rhino
Almond stached beta fish conspirin cucks

Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2020

ich surgeth tru the transition of discovery created by the herrscher of the realm of senses and ideals

Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2020

day in and day out i live an abysmal life with incompetent people that are socially programmed to wake up at their 70's, being wealthy was never before as crucial as it is in our time
this is my mindfield
i wish to have sufficient money some day to go on a journey that i wont come back from
or did the middle class voluntarily destroy itself

Montag, 27. Januar 2020

How is a different than b on the material plain, its not
Life is a really fuckin weird thing, and the level of perceptive weirdmess that i gotta deal with makes it both intreguing and hard

Lately i have been interested in the individuality of words, strict values, flexibility so on

Samstag, 18. Januar 2020

Ant farm
Kadinin icine plastik sokulmasinin dusunulmeye gerek gorulmeden normallesmis olmasi
Kopruyu gecene kadar ayiya dayi, bana isa mesih, neoya kurabiye canavari diyebilme ozgurlugune sahipsiniz
We need a ww to freshen up
Ister op oksa, istersen hinrichte
Hani nerde galaxinin duzeni, nerde hayal gucunun gercege kavusmasi